Celebration to the Success of SPRT printers in Achieving the BIS Certification

Celebration to the Success of SPRT printers in Achieving the BIS Certification

We are thrilled to celebrate the achievement of SPRT POS891 POS892 POS893 POS894 RS301 printers in obtaining the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certification! This certification means that SPRT have met all the stringent quality and safety standards required by the Indian market.

Obtaining the BIS certification is a testament to the exceptional quality and reliability of Sprint printers. It reinforces our commitment to delivering top-notch printing solutions that meet the needs of our customers.



We are excited about the opportunities that the Indian market presents, and this certification will enable us to expand our presence and serve even more customers. With our fast printing speeds, reliable performance, and high-quality output, we are confident that Sprint printers will make a positive impact in the Indian market.

We look forward to seeing the performance of SPRT printers in the Indian market and hope that we continue to deliver high-quality printing solutions that meet the needs of our consumers.

bis poster

Post time: Jan-16-2024